Biology (P)
Course ID: 720


Biology is a laboratory science course that focuses on the study of life. The course begins with an inquiry into the chemistry of life and proceeds to an examination of the fundamental concepts of cellular biology, including in-depth study of cellular structure and function.  Biology students study photosynthesis, cellular respiration, cell growth and division, the fundamentals of DNA and RNA, genetics, and the anatomy and physiology of the human reproductive systems.  The Biology course introduces students to bacteria, viruses, fungi, animals, and plants, focusing on their cellular similarities and differences.  Scientific thinking, analysis, and laboratory skills are emphasized along with Biology’s connections to other scientific disciplines.  Students practice scientific writing skills and learn to think deeply in order to apply what they have learned during laboratory activities.  UC A-G approved – d Laboratory Science. NCAA approved.

Prerequisite: Incoming freshmen with Science Department Approval; Sophomores who have completed Integrated Science

Level: 9-10

Credit: 10