Class of 1968 – 50 Year Reunion

The class of 1968 is celebrating their Golden 50th Reunion this year. Reunion plans include attending the Graduation Ceremony for the class of 2018, a reunion on June 2nd and a Picnic with Christian Brothers on June 3rd at St. Francis Catholic High School.

You are invited to the following events in honor of your 50th reunion:

  • Graduation ceremony for the class of 2018 to be held on May 23rd at 3 pm at the Memorial Auditorium. St. Francis would like to recognize our 50th anniversary by including our class in the graduation ceremony for the Class of 2018. Our class would lead the procession into Memorial Auditorium to be followed by the faculty & staff, and then the current graduates. We would be seated in the same section as the graduates and would be called to stand as a class during the ceremony in recognition of our milestone anniversary. We will not have to walk across the stage. We will enjoy the beautiful graduation and then process out with the graduates.
Reunion Events
  • June 2, 2018 reunion celebration to be held from 4-8 pm with drinks and dinner. Christian Brothers’ class of 1968 to be invited. Venue to be chosen once the number of guests is known.
  • June 3, 2018 reunion picnic from 11-3, with Christian Brothers’ class of 1968 to be invited. Location to be determined soon (potentially on the beautiful St. Francis campus). This will be a “bring your own food and drink” celebration. More information to follow.

Please give us a response about tentative attendance by February 20, and contact us with an email address where we can send further information, as well as an updated phone number. Please be on the lookout for our emails so that they do not end up residing in your Junk folder and join the St. Francis High School Class of 1968 Facebook page for more information and to reconnect with classmates. Thanks so much! We look forward to seeing as many of you as possible!

For further information, please contact one of us by email or phone:

Colleen Ianni at
Susan Shaddick