Homecoming Spirit Week (Special Schedule)

Monday, 10/19 – Spirit Prayer Service, Food Drive 

Wear Red and Gold
A  -  9:15-10:10
B  - 10:15-11:10
Spirit Prayer Service  -  11:15-12:10
Lunch  -  12:10-1:05
C  -  1:05-2:00
D  -  2:05-3:00

Rehearsals/Decorations 3:00-7:00pm

Tuesday, 10/20 – Sports Rally 

Wear class jerseys and free dress approved bottoms

E  -  8:00-8:55
F  -  9:00-9:55
Break 9:55-10:15
G  - 10:15-11:10
H  - 11:15-12:10
Lunch – 12:10-1:00
Sports Rally – Gym 1:00-3:00

Rehearsals/Decorations 3:00-7:00pm

Wednesday, 10/21 -Mascots in the Middle / Red Day 1 (70) (Student Late Start)

Class colors/mascot themed accessories (free dress approved)    

A  -  9:15 – 10:25
B –  10:30 – 11:45
Lunch  11:45-12:35
C  - 12:35-1:45
D  -  1:50-3:00

Rehearsals/Decorations 3:00-7:00pm

Thursday, 10/22 Theme Day Decorations /  Class Meetings  Red Day 2 (70)

Classes will be awarded more spirit points for dressing according to theme     

Dress according to theme            

E  - 8:00 – 9:10
F –  9:15 – 10:30
Class Meetings  10:35 – 11:45
Lunch  11:45-12:35
G  -  12:35 – 1:45
H  - 1:50 – 3:00 

Rehearsals/Decorations 3:00- 10:00pm

Friday, 10/23 Homecoming Rally

Wear jerseys and free dress approved bottoms - Costumes for varying rally parts are acceptable

9:30-9:45 HR
9:45-11:00 Class Meetings
11:00-11:45 Lunch
11:45-12:00 Prep for Rally
12:00-2:30 Rally, Gym
2:30-3:00   Dismissal/Clean-up