Six Semesters Required for Graduation
- Algebra 1 is a standard first year Algebra course. Topics covered include operations with real numbers, solving and graphing linear equations, word problems, introduction to polynomials, factoring, quadratics, and radicals. (2 semester class)
- Geometry continues to review basic Algebra skills, but focuses on completing the common core standards for Geometry. Major topics include geometric proofs, properties of parallel and perpendicular lines, congruent triangles, basic properties and area and volume of two-dimensional and three-dimensional figures, similarity and proportions, basic trigonometric functions, constructions, and coordinate Geometry. (2 semester class)
- Honors Geometry While the pacing is not dramatically different from the standard Geometry course, the depth of understanding and level of difficulty of problems done for homework and exams is significantly different. In addition, the student will be assigned more proofs (direct and indirect).(2 semester class)
- Algebra 2 is the standard second year course in Algebra. Basic concepts are extended to include three-dimensional systems and their solutions; also developed are functions, relations, irrational and complex numbers, conies, exponential functions, log functions, and sequences and series. (2 semester class)
- Honors Algebra 2 While the pacing is not dramatically different from the standard Algebra 2 course, the depth of understanding and level of difficulty of problems done for homework and exams is significantly different. The student is being prepared for Honors Pre-calculus and AP Calculus. (2 semester class)
*Important for Incoming Freshman: UC and CSU college systems require Geometry on a high school transcript. Students taking Geometry in the 8th grade may submit their 8th grade report card to the university when applying but the report card must state Geometry not just Math.