Certamen at CARCER 2018


On Sat March 3rd, 2018, Dr. Briggs and 16 SF certamen students traveled to the California Regional Certamina Rounds (CARCER). CARCER is a certamen tournament held simultaneously in one location in Northern California and one in Southern California. We had a team of four students competing in each of the four high school levels. The top nine teams overall advance to the semi-final round at Latin Convention in April.

We are proud of our teams accomplishments, three out of our four teams advanced! Latin 1 took the #2 seed, Latin 2 took the #4 seed and Latin 3 took the #3 seed. This puts us into great position moving into the semi-finals, where the top 3 out of 9 advance. Excellent job Troubies #AcademicTeam #Sisterhood #TroubiePride #Certamen