Meet-A-Parent/Grandparent for Lunch (M-Z)
in Serra Court

Social Natalie Anzini

Each semester, St. Francis invites parents and grandparents to spend a lunch period with their Troubadour. This is a fun and unique way for parents and grandparents to spend some quality time together, as well as get a sneak peek into Troubie daily life.  Parents and Grandparents can bring lunch from off-campus, or enjoy a lunch for purchase from the Serra Court Cafe.

This semester’s schedule is:

  • Wednesday, October 19 at 11:10am (Last names A – L)
  • Friday, October 21 at 11:10am (Last names M – Z)

We hope you can join your Troubie for this fun event!  Please park in the front of the school in the parking spots available. You are also welcome to park in the two student pick-up lanes.  Parking attendants will be on-site to help direct traffic.  Access will only be available through the front of the school.  There will be no access from M Street. 

Please check in at the table in front of the main office. For questions, please contact Natalie Anzini.