Summer: College Roadmap for the McQueens
June 24 – June 28, 9:00 am – 11:00 am

Counseling Debbie Austin Naomi Lee

This course is for St. Francis students who want to get a head start on their college planning. The course will cover the following topics; self-evaluation, values assessment, deciding what’s important in their future and goal setting. Students will also learn how to maximize their high school experience; making high school count, ie. extracurricular activities, service, involvement, leadership. The SFHS College Advisors will guide students through utilizing Naviance, the resume builder and other college planning-related features. Students will get a chance to do a College Search and Exploration by using a variety of platforms, taking virtual tours, and sharing with one another. The course will also include a Guest Speaker and a Field Trip to a college campus.  Students will leave this fun course with a sense of confidence and the basic skills necessary to begin their college planning process.  Students must bring their Chromebook.