Principal’s Newsletter 1/20/23

Email blast
Elias Mendoza

Dear St. Francis Families,

We are anticipating a fun week ahead as we resume our annual SWAP (Switch With a Parent) Day on Friday, January 27, and our always fun-filled (and sold out!) Crab Feed on Saturday, January 28.  I look forward to seeing you at one or both of these events. The week after is Pax et Bonum Week, in which we celebrate the gift of Catholic education. 

In the spirit of the upcoming weeks, I offer this reflective prayer:

Loving God,
We give you thanks for the many blessings you have given us through our families: through our parents, our primary educators in the faith; through our siblings, who walk with us on our earthly journey; and through all who guard and guide us in your light and in your truth.

We pray you will continue to inspire our families, so that our devotion to you and our care for one another may be a visible sign of your conditional love. We ask this through Christ, our Lord.

St. Francis of Assisi, pray for us!
St. Clare of Assisi, pray for us!

Pax et Bonum (peace and goodness),

Elias Mendoza