Principal’s Newsletter 5/19/23

Email blast
Dr. Fadia Desmond

Dear St. Francis Families,

Last night at Memorial Auditorium marked an ending and a beginning. We ended the school year saying a heartfelt goodbye to our Class of 2023 graduates, yet also set our sights on significant beginnings for our newest Juniors and Seniors. We gathered over 30 members of the Classes of 2024 and 2025 to finalize their enrollment in Psychology 300, a lower division college course taught by an American River College Professor, right here on our St. Francis campus this Fall. Our newest Juniors are Seniors are also set to begin their first “real world” work experience with summer internships at Backcourt Marketing, Hensel Phelps Construction, Dr. Greg Heise, Dr. Caron Houston, Mark III Construction, Sacramento SPCA, Something Sweet Dough, and Urgent Care Now Clinics. We are blessed to partner with these companies, agencies and businesses, many of which are alumnae and alumnae parent sponsored. 

The other exciting beginning for our students is in the world of Athletics with today’s announcement that this fall will be our first season offering girls flag football as a CIF sanctioned sport. With a long and successful history of girls’ flag football within the Parochial Athletic League (PAL) the enthusiasm around forming an SFHS team will be felt across all grade levels.

As hard as it was to send-off our graduates into the world last night, we sent them with abundant blessings and look forward to the blessings coming our way into summer and the upcoming school year.

In the spirit of Pax et Bonum,

Dr. Fadia Desmond