Parent Newsletter Archives
Parent Newsletter: October 4, 2024
Dear St. Francis Families,
As the mother of three young St. Francis alumnae (Classes of 2018, 2020, and 2021), I am sometimes asked why I continue as Director of Admissions at St. Francis since my daughters have all graduated. The wonderful St. Francis community and my amazing colleagues are a big reason why. However, I am compelled to support the St. Francis mission because I have seen first hand the transformative power of an all-girls education, and I want to make that opportunity available to every young woman who seeks it. Introducing prospective students and families to our amazingly special community is a privilege and a great joy. I am asking you to help spread that joy as we head into recruitment season. Our annual Open House is Sunday, October 13th from 12:00-3:00pm. If you know girls in 5th-8th grade, we would be so grateful if you personally invited them to attend Open House. Your enthusiasm about your daughter’s St. Francis experience is our greatest recruiting tool. More than 85% of applicants for admission say that they heard about St. Francis through friends, neighbors, and colleagues.
Thank you for helping us invite prospective new Troubies and their families to campus. And thank you to the dozens of Open House volunteers who will be wearing an “Ask Me – Proud St. Francis Parent” button and welcoming our guests.
In gratitude,
Lisa Wilkins
Director of Admissions
Parent Newsletter: September 27, 2024
Dear St. Francis Families,
Next Friday, October 4th, we celebrate the feast of our patron, St. Francis of Assisi. This humble and devoted man revitalized the Church when he chose to follow Jesus’ teachings as closely as possible. Despite the challenges he faced, St. Francis never wavered in his radical demonstration of love for God and love for others. Last year, Troubies made dedicated efforts to follow his example by contributing over 22,000 hours of service to those in need. We have our first service deadline just a few weeks (October 18, 2024). Our service requirements act as reminders of our responsibility to assist those in need. His legacy of serving the marginalized and recognizing the beauty of our Earth inspires our school community to strive to emulate his life.
This year’s St. Francis Day theme recognizes our 85th anniversary: Celebrating Women of Character, Courage, and Commitment. As such, we are asking students to come to school dressed as women who inspire them. These iconic female figures can be real women who’ve changed the world through their activism, craft, political contribution, deep faith, or other superpower. These inspirational ladies can be women they know, historical figures, or even fictional characters. The point of this theme is to showcase the talents, contributions, and limitless potential of women. Advanced thank you to everyone who makes this celebration possible through their donations and service.
Stephanie Villanueva
Director of Campus Ministry