


SFHS offers all levels of dance classes from beginning to advanced. Students will develop their understanding, appreciation, and artistic expression through dance.

By working on body flexibility, strength, endurance, balance, coordination, and relaxation, students will strengthen technique, projection dynamics, memorization skills, and confidence.

Dance Courses Currently Offered

SF Dance Co
SF Apprentice Co.
Intermediate Dance
Dance Styles
Show Choir
Intro to Show Choir

Read full descriptions in the Course Catalog 


Virtual Dance Showcase

Haven’t had a chance to watch the Virtual Dance Showcase yet? 

For those of you that don’t know about our annual Spring Dance Showcase, it’s a culmination of student choreographed works (usually performed live). Juniors & Seniors work with underclassmen in their respective companies to create original work and this year was no different! The amount of creativity and collaboration that the students had this year was exciting! The video now includes ALL student works. (I had many technical issues!) 

Please enjoy!