Bookstore FAQ
Q. When will the bookstore be open?
The online bookstore will open May 15 to accommodate students’ need to purchase summer reading and summer school materials.
Fall 2024 textbook and workbook materials are available beginning June 1st. Be sure to order books early for the best selection and lowest pricing options.
Q. Where can I find the 2024-2025 Booklist?
The 2024-2025 booklist can be found here.
Q. How do I order textbooks?
Students can order textbooks on the St. Francis MBS bookstore. The authorization code is SFHS.
Q. Do I have to purchase my books through MBS?
St. Francis High School partners with MBS to provide an online site bookstore for course materials. Students may purchase books from other sites, but the ISBN must be an EXACT match to the ISBN listed on our MBS bookstore. Note: Due to publisher restrictions, some books/ebooks may only be purchased through MBS.
Q. Are there free shipping options?
Free shipping begins the week of July 1– July 14, for orders over $99.
Q. Can I sell back used Books?
Students can sell back their used books to MBS at the end of the school year. Information about our buyback date is communicated annually. If that day is missed, the student must create an online quote on MBS’s online site.
Follow these simple steps:
- Go to the online bookstore and select “Sell Books”.
- Select “I don’t have an account” to set up a profile.
- Enter each ISBN to generate a quote.
Students can print the quote mail back their books on their own.
Q. Can I return books to MBS?
Students have 30 days from the beginning of the semester to return their unused books.
Q. How do I access my ebooks?
Instructions for accessing your eBook will be provided once students activate their purchase.
Q. I have questions about my order, who do I contact?
St. Francis has a personal customer service number at MBS. Please feel free to contact them directly regarding order concerns or issues (800) 325-3252 .
Q. Why can’t my eBooks be downloaded and viewed offline?
There are publisher restrictions on the downloading of many eBooks. Students can access them through any browser.
Q. If I have general questions, who should I contact at St. Francis?
You may contact Paola Avalos Nelson, Administrative Assistant