Student News
St. Francis Catholic High School Qualifies Eight Students for National Cyber Scholarship Competition
Sacramento, Calif. – St. Francis Catholic High School is proud to announce eight students have qualified to compete in the CyberStart National Cyber Scholarship Competition April 5-7, 2021: Caroline Sorrells ’22, Maile Hodges ’23, Mia Hernandez-Peng ’24, Emily Sherrod ’22, Kate Cockerton ’23, Riley Glenn ’21, Isabella Angelina Gutierrez ’24, and Nayeli Kojima ’24. Students will be competing for $2 million in college scholarships, cybersecurity training, and recognition badges that can be used on college and job applications.
St. Francis Catholic High School Earns Dual AP® Computer Science Female Diversity Award
Recognized for Closing the Gender Gap in Computer Science A & Computer Science Principles
Sacramento, Calif. – St. Francis Catholic High School is proud to be a recipient of the College Board AP® Computer Science Female Diversity Award for achieving high female representation in AP Computer Science A and AP Computer Science Principles. This is the third year in a row St. Francis has earned the award. Schools honored with the AP Computer Science Female Diversity Award have expanded girls’ access in AP Computer Science courses.
Alumnae Spotlight Eleni Kounalakis ’85
Troubie. Businesswoman. Activist. Diplomat. Mother. What's Next, Lieutenant Governor of California?
Congratulations to alumna Eleni Tsakopoulos Kounalakis ’85 on her election to Lieutenant Governor of California! If you missed the article on Eleni in the Spring 2018 issue, read it here:
We know Troubadours are women who change the world; we had a chance to catch up with Eleni Tsakopoulos Kounalakis ’85 to hear where her post-St. Francis journey has taken her and what lessons from her alma mater she has taken on the journey.
Always a woman who wanted to experience the world, Eleni spent her sophomore year at a boarding school in Lugano, Switzerland before embarking on her Troubadour education. While transferring schools mid-way through high school can seem intimidating, Eleni found her St. Francis home to be warm and welcoming and affectionately remembers the many friends she made while a student here. Troubies who remember her debate performance as Walter Mondale*, alongside Claire Chatfield as Geraldine Ferraro, will not be surprised that Eleni is currently campaigning to be the next Lieutenant Governor of California.
“A part of running for office is reviewing your old files. I pleasantly found a report I had written in high school about the 1984 election. There was no question the work we were doing at St. Francis was very relevant,” Eleni reminisces. Her social studies teacher, Trisha (Garretson) Uhrhammer, had connections at the Capitol through her graduate work in history and government. She was also involved with the League of Women Voters and encouraged her students to be informed and active in government. She made a big impact on Eleni.