SF Musicians Learning from the Original Composer for Christmas Concert
We had a full house last night for the opening of our Christmas Music Concert. We can’t wait to share our music with you again today at 2pm.
One interesting fact you may not know is that while preparing for the concert, our musicians were unsure of the correct tempo for Veni, Veni Emmanuel. Our choral director, Mrs. Harris, knew the original composer of this version, Michael John Trotta, was still active in the industry and decided it couldn’t hurt to contact him. He was elated to help and offered to skype with our students.
It was a very exciting experience, he gave them insight into the industry and helpful feedback for their performance. Thank you Mrs. Harris for your great idea and thank you to Michael John Trotta for his generous time in working with our students and a providing whole new connection with this composition that they will carry with them long past this music concert.