Alumnae Adopt A Student Program


St. Francis High School budgets over $1 million for financial aid, yet this amount is less than half of the identified need of our families.* Each year a number of accepted students find themselves unable to attend St. Francis because the financial aid offered is just not enough. We call upon St. Francis alumnae to change this inevitability by providing additional funds beyond the budgeted financial aid.

Each graduating class, from 1944 through 2012, is encouraged to “adopt” one or more students by providing the necessary financial aid – ranging from a full scholarship for some to a few hundred dollars for others – that will make it possible for them to attend St. Francis.

As financial aid awards are determined for new and returning students this spring, your gift will make a difference! Please join your classmates in “adopting” a Troubie by contributing to the Alumnae Adopt A Student Fund.

*Families seeking financial aid submit an application through an independent company, TADS. This company determines each family’s need. In most circumstances, St. Francis can only offer a portion of the required assistance.

2012-2013  Financial Aid

Established need through TADS
$2.3 million

SFHS Financial Aid Budget
$1.2 million

Will you help your graduating class “adopt” one or more students in need of financial aid?