Directions to Water Polo Games and Tournaments
Cosumnes College:
Take Hwy 99 south from Sacramento. Exit Cosumnes River Pkwy, you will see the campus west of the freeway. The pool is in the northwest of campus. Take quarters for parking fee.
Tokay H.S.:
Take Hwy 99 south from Sacramento to Lodi. Exit Kettleman Ln., turn left on Ham Ln. The school is at Ham Ln. And Century Blvd. The pool is north of the gym.
Ruetter Jr. High: (Games at Florin)
Take Hwy 99 south to Florin Rd. Exit onto Florin Rd. east, take Florin Rd. East to Palmer House Dr, turn right. 7530 Palmer House Dr.
Rocklin H.S.:
Take I-80 toward Reno, exit I-80 at Hwy 65 in Rocklin. Hwy 65 to Stanford Ranch Rd.-north. Take Stanford Ranch Rd about 3 miles to Rocklin H.S. on right.
McClatchy H.S.:
Hwy 99 south to Suterville Rd./12 Ave. exit. Turn right at freeway exit to Freeport Blvd. Turn right on Freeport, McClatchy H.S. ½ mi. on left. Pool in rear of school.
Del Oro H.S.:
I-80 toward Reno, exit Sierra College Blvd. in Rocklin, left onto Sierra College Blvd to Taylor Rd, turn right onto Taylor Rd through Loomis. DO on right past King Rd, pool parking lot just past school entrance.
Fairfield H.S.:
I-80 toward San Francisco, exit Air Base Pkwy in Fairfield. Left on No.Texas St., right on Cement Hill Rd., school on right.
Woodcreek(Roseville Aquatics Ctr):
I-80 toward Reno, exit Roseville/Riverside Ave. Riverside to Cirby, left at Cirby to Foothill which is a right turn. Take overpass(Foothill) over RR tracks, left at Baseline Rd, right at Woodcreek Oaks Dr. Go past Woodcreek H.S to RAC on left.
Bella Vista:
Get to the intersection of Madison and Sunrise in Citrus Heights. Go east on Madison, approximately 3 miles to BV on left. Pool behind gym.
I-80 toward Davis, exit Mace Blvd in El Macero. Right on Mace, it will turn left into Covell Blvd. Covell Blvd to F Street, left at F Street, right at 14th St. Pool on right in park. Directions to Arroyo, see coach.
Sierra College:
I-80 toward Reno, Exit Rocklin Rd, right on Rocklin Rd. Sierra College on left. Park by the football field, pool in back of gym. Take quarters for parking.
Solano College:
I-80 towards San Francisco, exit in Cordelia Junction at Green Valley Rd. You can see Solano College as you pass the CHP inspection station. Right on GVR, need quarters.
Roseville H.S.:
I-80 toward Reno, exit Eureka Rd in Roseville, left onto Eureka Rd, over freeway onto Atlantic, right at Berry (cross over RR tracks). Left at Tahoe, right at Campo, pool 2 blocks on right.
Merced College:
Hwy 99 south to Merced, College on Yosemite, north of J street, right into parking lot.
Rio Americano:
Across American Drive and west of Jesuit H.S.
Granite Bay H.S.:
I-80 toward Reno, exit Eureka Rd in Roseville, right on Eureka Rd., stay on Eureka Rd., high school on left(approx. 4 miles).
Nevada Union H.S.:
I-80 towards Reno, exit Hwy 49 in Auburn towards Grass Valley, turn left on Hwy 49. Exit Hwy 49 at Ridge Rd in Nevada City. School at 11761 Ridge Rd, Grass Valley.
Cunningham AC:
I-80 towards San Francisco, take I-680 south, just before Benicia bridge, stay right onto I-780 west to Vallejo, exit @ Glen Cove, Right on Rollingwood Dr., continue to bottom of hill, left on Georgia St., Right on Heartwood Ave., pool on the left.
Soda AC:
I-80 to San Francisco, take I-680 south, cross Benicia Bridge, take Hwy 24 west(in Walnut Creek), Exit Central Lafayette/First Street, keep to right; Make a right under the freeway onto First street; Right onto Mt. Diablo Blvd., immediately move into left lane, left onto Moraga Rd., go approximately 2.5 miles up the hill; Right on Campolinda Dr., pool on left.
Napa Comm. College:(Vintage)
I-80 west to San Francisco; exit Hwy 12 to Napa, stay on Hwy 12 until dead ends at stop light, turn right; Keep on road to Napa, Napa College on left just past Napa Municipal golf course. (Stay to right at Y).
Wackford Aquatic Complex (Laguna Creek):
Hwy 99 south to Sheldon Rd. Exit Sheldon Rd. Right on Sheldon Rd. Left on Bruceville Rd.(1st light). On right @ 9014 Bruceville Rd. in Elk Grove
Directions for Western States in Modesto will be given out the week before the games to those players affected.