Illness on Campus

News Cynthia Cost

Since the start of school the past few weeks, we have had and will continue to have waves of illness; COVID, strep, flu etc. Please talk to your daughters about keeping herself and others safe.  In short, keep up the practices that have helped keep our community as safe as possible over the past year:

  • Please DON’T send your daughter to school ill. They won’t do well on a test or presentation if they don’t feel well. The teachers will work to catch students up with any missed materials (which are all posted on Schoology).
  • Washing hands regularly, continue sanitizing communal items at home and school, etc. 
  • Students and staff with active symptoms should stay home. 
  • Not sharing water bottles (this happens a lot), not sharing “bites” of food items, reminding them not to  share hair brushes/scrunchies (think lice too) etc.
  • Getting rest as much as possible. Taking advantage of three and four-day weekends to catch up.
  • Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate…fluids will help. Eating as healthy as possible as often as possible.
  • Get tested at the doctor for COVID, Strep, Mono etc. Often it is not “just allergies or a cold.” 
  • We do not mandate, but we would encourage vaccination to reduce the number of students and staff impacted.
  • We do not mandate masks, but would allow any student who wants to wear one the ability to do so.