Patrons of the Arts – Calling Parent Volunteers!


We have open positions for Fall – earn ten hours JUST for attending our fun monthly meetings in 2022-2023 school year with a group of parents supporting performing and visual arts.  Meetings are one Tuesday monthly in Room 400 in the Theatre building, and new members are always welcome!  We are seeking volunteers to take on or to shadow current Volunteer Roles including:

Patron Contacts Coordinator

  • Maintain Patrons Distribution List (includes maintaining contact lists with meeting attendees, current and past Patrons and Board).
  • Ensure that volunteer opportunities are posted to MVP, and send out offers/reminders/updates for parent hours (ushers, set build, cleanup).

Set Build Coordinator

  • Maintain a list of people who want to help build, remind them of when builds are scheduled and the requirements in order to help.
  • Coordinate with and apprise Arts Director and Tech Director on number of volunteers and specific/special needs for set builds.
  • Coordinate with Patron Contacts Coordinator for needs announcements.

Tech Feed Coordinator

  • Tech feed is always a lunch on a Saturday before a big show: musical, play, dance shows; coordinate w/Arts Director to determine menu/theme/number of meals/drinks, budget.
  • Coordinate w/restaurant or Epicurean (or other parent group i.e. Dad’s Club) for menu execution and delivery.
  • On day of Tech Feed coordinate timely delivery and clean-up.

If you have interest or any questions about how to get involved, or want to be added to Patrons mailings, please contact Patrons President, Lisa Fitzgerald, at