Senior Painted Parking Spaces

News Cynthia Cost

One of our favorite traditions is Seniors Painted parking spaces to benefit our scholarship programs. Students may personalize their parking spot by creating a design that reflects their interests and/or shows school spirit. Designs must be pre-approved by the Administration prior to painting and cannot violate the tenants of the St. Francis Catholic High School. All template designs must be turned in no later than July 10th (absolutely no late templates will be accepted). Cost is $300 for the reserved painted space.

How to sign up:

  • A link will open to all seniors at 8am June 20, 2024 to June 21, 2024 at 8:00am to enter into a number lottery system.  Any students requesting a space after the first 24 hours will be assigned a number after all the previous lottery numbers are assigned. Everyone will receive an email with their assigned number on August 9th. There are plenty of spaces for all seniors. 
  • Sign up for regular non-reserved/non-painted spaces will open after 8:00 am on June 21, 2024.

Senior Painting will start promptly on the morning of August 10, 2024 at 8:00am

  • Students with their assigned numbers will be called from the sidelines of the parking lot on Saturday morning. Students will be individually released to pick their spot in the parking lot. Last year this took approximately 10 minutes for the entire class to choose their space. Students who are not there when their numbers are called will be called after all other numbers. There will be no early entry into the parking lot by parents or students until all numbers are called. There is no pre-saving of spaces.

This painted spot will be reserved for the individual student only during regular school hours. It is not for parents or for students/parents anytime outside of the regular school day. Spots may not be resold or lent to others during the school year. Electric Vehicle charging space will not be assigned for painted parking as those are for use by all students and staff. This is a bonding experience for our SFHS Seniors as a class. Only the SFHS Class of 2025 seniors, her parents and siblings are allowed to attend the event. 

Click here for parking permit purchasing form.