Awards Ceremony 2017
Our Awards Ceremony, held on Tuesday, May 16, 2017, honors and recognizes the achievements of our students. The awards and scholarships we honor consist of national recognition, donor sponsored scholarships, and the highest honors, the pillar awards of Faith, Excellence, Leadership and Service. We know that while not everyone’s accomplishments can be recognized, we firmly believe that `all of our students are filled with talent and potential. God has created us each unique with talents that will change the world. And we know you will change the world, no matter what worldly recognition you receive.
Underclassman Scholarship Awards
Isabel V. Dinelli Memorial
Scholarship: Christina Guadamuz
Meghan Gumbelevicius Memorial
Scholarship: Elizabeth Cole
Helene Story Memorial Scholarship: Katarina
Kathy Carlisle Scholarship: Grace
Porter Family Scholarship: Marianne
Sickels Memorial Scholarship: Hannah
Kathleen Rose Memorial Scholarship: Yasmine
Marion Bishop Scholarship: Katherine
Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Scholarships: Marisa Yamada, Holly Coffman, Maya
Solis, Anissa Surita, Mikayla Kauihana
SFHS Alumnae Association Award: Madelyn
Schildmeyer, Isabella Sardo
Cornette Scholarship: Anne McDaniel
The Pillar Awards
Each year, what we call “The Pillar Awards” are given to those students who epitomize the ideals of the school and radiate those four qualities that identify a St. Francis graduate: Faith, Excellence, Leadership and Service. Because these qualities are embodied in the everyday lives of our students, we invite the students themselves to nominate a classmate whom they believe best characterizes each Pillar. So the recipients of the following Awards are, to a large extent, the choices of their classmates.
Pillar of Faith: A student who demonstrates outstanding service to the school’s spiritual life.
- Freshmen: Kate Olario
- Sophomore: Rose Conlin
- Junior: Grace Conlin
Pillar of Excellence: This is a student(s) who demonstrates excellence in all of her endeavors at St. Francis High School.
- Freshmen: Lauren Kim
- Sophomore: Elizabeth Chiu
- Junior: Abigail Erckenbrack
Pillar of Leadership: This is a student who offers outstanding leadership skills, enriching the community of St. Francis High School.
- Freshmen: Emma Peters
- Sophomore: Helen Hoffart
- Junior: Marisa Fat
Pillar of Service: This is a student who has promoted service both on and off campus.
- Freshmen: Abby Glime
- Sophomore: Kelly Niethammer
- Junior: Grace Abshear
Class of 2017 Certificates of Merit
St. Francis Catholic High School Certificate of Merit recipients were selected for their achievement in an academic discipline by the faculty and administration of St. Francis. As a whole, the Class of 2017 was offered over $33 million dollars in one time and four year renewable scholarships!
- English – Jacqueline Vail
- English – Elizabeth Fugit
- English – Sarah Larson
- Mathematics – Taylor Ngo
- Mathematics – Stephanie Keene
- Mathematics – Sabrina Voeller
- Science – Samantha Gates
- Science – Alexandra Retodo
- Science – Clare Shutz
- Social Studies – Ellie Chiappe
- Social Studies – Natalie Ryan
- Social Studies – Emily Bush
- Dance – Mary Quilici
- Choral Music – Anna Crumley
- Orchestra – Marie Ybarra
- Theatre – Ani Carrera
- Sculpting – Katarina Yo
- Painting – Katherine Freitag
- Photography – Julia Cannon
- Drawing – Ana Verschoor
- Film – Noel Lee
- Art History – Anna Prinzbach
- Theology – Kayla Wehner
- Theology – Frances Barbour
- Theology – Sarah Westover
- French – Sarah Ajise
- Italian - Francesca Giordani
- Spanish – Camille Avila-DaRosa
- Latin – Maeve Robinson
Class of 2017 Plaques for Academic Achievement
The St. Francis High School Plaques for Academic Achievement represent some of the highest academic achievement in the graduating class. Students are selected for excellence in Liberal Arts, Fine Arts, and/or Science and Mathematics.
Fine Arts Academic Achievement Awards The recipients for this award represent Performing and Visual Arts
- Performing Arts: Camryn Elias
- Visual Arts: Mia Stephens
Liberal Arts Achievement Awards Liberal Arts represents English, Social Studies, Theology and Foreign Language.
- Eliana Kontokanis
- Gabrielle Zegers
Science & Mathematics Achievement Awards the recipient must be accomplished in both Math and Science. This year we have two students who qualified across these disciplines.
- Danielle (Kiki) Velez
- Katherine Freitag
National Merit Commended Students
Of the 1.6 million entrants, some 50,000 with the highest PSAT/NMSQT Selection Index scores qualify for recognition in the National Merit® Scholarship Program. These high scorers are notified through their schools that they have qualified as a Commended Student. They receive Letters of Commendation in recognition of their outstanding academic promise. This year’s recipients are:
- Emily Bush
- Cassie Cunningham
- Elizabeth Fugit
- Alexandra Retodo
- Samantha Taber
- Danielle Velez
- Gabrielle Zegers
National Merit Finalist
National Merit Finalists are academically talented young people from all parts of the United States. They are the highest scoring entrants in each state, for PSAT scores. Our National Merit Finalist placed among the top five percent of more than 1.5 million students who took the PSAT and among only 221 students in California to receive this recognition. We recognize this year’s National Merit Finalist:
- Natalie Ryan.
National Hispanic Recognition Program
The National Hispanic Recognition Program recognizes students who scored in the top 2% of more than 250,000 Hispanic & Latino students who took the PSAT. The recipients are:
- Megan Kahn
- Danielle (Kiki) Velez
United States Naval Academy
We have 2 students who are accepting appointments to the United States Naval Academy. The Naval academy has ranked in the top three Universities that are the most difficult to gain acceptance…along with MIT and Stanford, for the last five years in a row. The value of this education they will be receiving is nearly $500k each. As the undergraduate college of our country’s naval service, the Naval Academy prepares young men and women to become professional officers of competence, character, and compassion in the U.S. Navy and Marine Corps. Naval Academy students are midshipmen on active duty in the U.S. Navy.
They attend the academy for four years, graduating with bachelor of science degrees and commissions as ensigns in the Navy or second lieutenants in the Marine Corps. Naval Academy graduates serve at least five years in the Navy or Marine Corps. Today we recognize two of our Troubies who are making a commitment to something larger than themselves, taking an oath of office, promising to be loyal to our country and to defend it if necessary. Please join me in honoring our newest Naval Academy midshipmen:
- Emily Bush
- Elizabeth Fugit
CIF Sac-Joaquin Section’s A. Dale Lacky Scholarship
The A. Dale Lackey Scholarship, named after the former Sac-Joaquin Section and State CIF President, recognizes the top male and female student-athletes in the section (one each per league) for exceptional achievement in both athletics and academics. The scholarship committee then selects four male and four female students to receive a $1000 scholarship. This year’s recipient is:
- Claire Schutz.
Knights of Columbus Scholarship
The Knights of Columbus is a Catholic-based organization founded on the principles of charity, unity, and fraternity. These scholarships are awarded to Seniors for outstanding scholastic, civil and religious achievements. The recipient of this year’s Knights of Columbus Scholarship is:
- Alyssa Agatep
General Excellence Medals
The General Excellence medal is awarded to students who have earned a cumulative 4.00 GPA or above for their 8 semesters of high school. We have 73 students who have earned this honor.
- Carly Adamson
- Alyssa Agatep
- Sarah Ajise
- Katherine Albiani
- Amira Araj
- Camille Avila-DaRosa
- Aubree Barr
- Isabelle Bauman
- Elle Berti
- Natalie Bourgeois
- Sarah Brust
- Sharon Burk
- Emily Bush
- Julia Cannon
- Ani Carrera
- Gabrielle Casentini
- Elena Chiappe
- Cassie Cunningham
- Tessah Curtis
- Emily Davis
- Reina Deol
- Simar Dyal
- Katherine Freitag
- Elizabeth Fugit
- Sofia Garibaldi
- Samantha Gates
- Francesca Giordani
- Elizabeth Griffin
- Karoline Guthrie
- Kaitlyn Hendrickson
- Elizabeth Hennessy
- Allyson Jeffers
- Lindsey Jones
- Taylor Jurisich
- Megan Kahn
- Jada Kanemasu
- Stephanie Keene
- Aleena Khan
- Sara Kian
- Tess Knight-Williams
- Taylor Koewler
- Eliana Kontokanis
- Allison Kustic
- Sarah Larson
- Allison Lourim
- Michaela Mark
- Namita Nedumala
- Taylor Ngo
- Abigail Padilla
- Josephine Pecha
- Kathryn Pena
- Monica Penalosa
- Tanattida Phanthong
- Emma Piziali
- Mary Quilici
- Isabel Rangel
- Alexandra Retodo
- Maeve Robinson
- Natalie Ryan
- Tahlia Schrock
- Claire Schutz
- Kaitlin Solis
- Sophia Susac
- Samantha Taber
- Jacqueline Vail
- Danielle Velez
- Ana Verschoor
- Sabrina Voeller
- Kayla Wehner
- Juliette Williams
- Kelsea Williams
- Marie Ybarra
- Gabrielle Zegers
Class of 2017 Commencement ceremony and Baccalaureate Mass Speakers
- Baccalaureate Welcome: Aubree Barr
- Graduate’s Prayer: Namita Nedumala
- Salutatorian: Betsy Tanner
- Valedictorian: Kayla Wehner
Class of 2017 Scholarships
Matthew Bartkiewicz Family Memorial
The Matthew Bartkiewicz Family Memorial Scholarship honors a
graduating senior who has contributed in a special way to the
life of St. Francis High School.
- Madison Hunte-Durham
Dennis Fatheree Science Memorial
The Dennis Fatheree Science Scholarship was created by Dr.
Pam DiTomasso, a graduate of St. Francis High School, a current
St. Francis Board of Truste, and a former student of Mr.
Fatheree. Mr. Fatheree was a Chemistry teacher at St.
Francis for over 30 years and passed away in November of 2003.
This scholarship recognizes a graduating senior who excelled in
science and plans to study science in college.
- Sharon Burk
Booster Club Athletics Leadership Award
Mr. Mark McGreevy, Athletic Director, will present the
Booster Club Athletics Leadership Award. Each year, the Booster
Club honors a student (or students) who demonstrate leadership in
athletics. This year, we have two students who exemplify the
Spirit of St. Francis through their leadership.
- Ariana Avila (Soccer, Softball)
- Sarah Westover (Lacrosse)
Booster Club Scholar Athlete of the Year
Each year the St. Francis Booster Club honors the
Scholar-Athlete-of-the-Year Award to the student or students with
the highest combined achievement in both academics and
- Elizabeth Fugit (Swim)
- Claire Schutz (Volleyball)
Patrons of the Arts Awards
Elizabeth Danielson, Executive Director of the Arts, will
present our Patrons of the Arts Awards. The Patrons of the Arts
established awards in 2004 for students who inspire others,
exhibit loyalty to, and have a dedication to each Arts
- Choral Music: Alexandra Retodo
- Dance: Betsy Tanner
- Orchestra: Karoline Guthrie
- Technical Arts: Cecilia Walsh
- Theatre: Elle Bertie
- Visual Arts: Katarina Yo, Piper Klinger, Cassie Cunningham, Noel Lee
St. Francis High School Special Awards
Troubadour Spirit Award
The Troubadour Spirit Award is given to a senior who has shown extraordinary school spirit. We have two recipients this year and each is exceptional in her own way. Our first recipient shows her Troubadour spirit in kind and gentle ways. She has the true gift of hospitality and welcoming attitude that make her the perfect ambassador for our school. Her warm smile, gentle demeanor and spirit of service have made her loved by all she meets. She has been an active participant in the arts, specifically working behind the scenes as a techie all four years. Her huge smile and contagious optimism make her the perfect team member and collaborator on productions. She is a Big Sister and an Ambassador, both roles which are perfect for her because she is able to share her love and passion for St. Francis. She has been a Camp Troubie counselor and worked with Admissions, presenting to parents and students her knowledge of all things Troubie-related. She is a beautiful role model, a kind heart, a promoter of our school, and a genuinely kind and positive person. It is our honor to present the Troubadour Spirit Award to Sydney Bembry.
Our second recipient shows her energetic and engaging spirit at rallies and school events. She too shares her love of SF by being a big sister and Kairos leader. Her deep spirituality and commitment to her faith inspire and guide her in her decision making. She shows humility when she makes mistakes and takes responsibility for them, an important quality in a leader. She has been a positive voice for her class, reminding her classmates about what they should be grateful for.She is a class officer, who has a lot of fun creating cheers for her class. She brings a light hearted joy to those around her. She offers help when she sees it’s needed and is vested in the success and enjoyment of those around her. She can dance like crazy! Her whole body exudes joy and celebration when the music turns on and she is an inspiration to her Troubie sisters. Please join us in honoring the second recipient of the Troubadour Spirit Award, your SBO Spirit Coordinator, Jenna Murphy.
Pillar of Christian Service Award
The Pillar of Christian Service Award honors a student who embodies the heart and actions of a servant leader. This year’s recipient has truly shown her love of our school and community through her actions. She is a leader for our weekly Lectio Divina, guiding her sisters through study of Scripture. This year’s recipient doesn’t need a service hour requirement to inspire her. She serves because the idea of service is at the core of who she is, and she is inspired by her faith and the people she serves. She is a Christian Service Leader and has given 450 hours of service outside of school to help her community, nearly 400 of them at Maryhouse… Shannon Dominguez-Stephens, Director of Maryhouse at Loaves & Fishes, says of this student, “She is a legacy at Maryhouse! Her ability to dive into any part of the program and serve compassionately with her whole heart is refreshing and admirable. She truly embodies the spirit of merciful service and collaborative community. It makes perfect sense that she is being honored with such recognition.” Her humility and commitment to service will change the world. It is our honor to present the Pillar of Christian Service Award to Frances Barbour.
Campus Ministry Pillar of Faith Award
The Campus Ministry Pillar of Faith Award honors a student who, during her four years, exemplifies her Faith through her commitment to her love of God by loving others. She lives out her faith in her everyday actions. This year’s recipient is a young woman who loves her faith and shows her compassion and mercy in all she does. She is a Big Sister, Liturgical Minister for several years, and was a Kairos leader. She lives her faith and is not preachy or aggressive but rather totally humble and invitational. She tried to enliven and engage her peers through her efforts of “chit chat with the chap” lunches with Fr. Arnold. She also puts her faith into action by going above and beyond her service requirement. As the ambassador for the Reading Partners program, a Challenge Sports buddy, and a Camp ReC counselor, she reaches out to others who are often ignored, overlooked, or marginalized. She volunteers to help her fellow Troubie sisters with their academics, and she is an officer in our Mini-Lifesavers Club. Theology teachers have commended her on her knowledge of the Church and deep spirituality. Whenever you see her on campus, she has a smile on her face, which reflects the joy in her heart. Her SF Little Sister said this about her: “I think that my big sister should be honored because she modeled the sisterhood and spirit of St. Francis. She told us about her experiences and shared great advice, giving us smiles and kind words that will last a lifetime.” It is our privilege to present the Campus Ministry Pillar of Faith Award to Tahlia Schrock.
Principal’s Pillar of Excellence Award
The Principal’s Pillar of Excellence Award is awarded to a senior for outstanding achievement who embodies Excellence put forth by our pillars, and everything she does is in the spirit of Pax et Bonum. Our recipient this year aspires to academic excellence in all she does and has demonstrated a love and passion for lifelong learning. This year’s recipient has high personal standards for herself, which is best exemplified by her outstanding grades. She is one of only two seniors who has earned Program Honors (straight A’s all 8 semesters of high school) in all 7 subject areas. She is also a Commended Student in the 2017 National Merit Program. In addition to her academic excellence, she also excels in her co-curricular activities, serving as a Kairos leader, Science Olympiad member, and a volunteer on the San Diego service trip. She is well respected by her classmates and is greatly involved in her own parish community. She has a strong faith and makes others feel respected and free to express wherever they are in their faith journey. She is a talented artist in the area of drawing and a talented musician, active in our jazz club. She is passionate about helping people which is why she wants to go into the medical field. Her teachers say that she always comes to class with a smile, making the people around her feel welcomed and important. She is a very graceful, mature young woman who wants to make the world a better place. We are honored to present the Principal’s Pillar of Excellence Award to Samantha Taber.
President’s Pillar of Leadership Award
The President’s Pillar of Leadership Award recognizes a senior with outstanding leadership skills and who has enriched the life of St. Francis High School. She is a student who models moral behavior and prudent judgement in all her interactions. She is a student who values and facilitates collaboration with her peers. This year’s recipient has been an active student council member for three years. She is an excellent Big Sister and was an outstanding leader on the San Francisco Service Trip. She is a four-year member of the Swim Team and Model United Nations. She has a strong grasp of what it means to live a life with integrity and inspires those around her to do the same. She approaches her responsibilities with joy and the determination to do them well. She’s a team player – not only looking out for herself but the whole team from the bottom up.
She’s willing to adjust her plans, thoughts, ideas, when presented with one that will work better. She doesn’t let her ego get in the way. She commands respect and exudes leadership but is always friendly and approachable. Ms. Torrecillas, her MUN coach says of this student, “When interacting with this senior for the first time, I clearly saw her intelligence as well as her natural capacity for leadership. However, what I learned over this school year is that she actively chooses to use these talents to benefit her Troubie sisters. As a co-captain of this year’s MUN team, she brought humor and a sense of camaraderie to every MUN meeting, especially when it came to welcoming new members to the team. She set the example for our team by working hard, trying her best, and always showing her teammates her kindness and compassion. She is a great Troubie and I can say with confidence that she will change this world for the better.” It is our honor to present the President’s Pillar of Leadership Award to your Senior Class Vice President, Sarah Ajise.
Pax et Bonum Award
The Pax et Bonum Award is offered to a senior who best exemplifies the qualities of peace and goodness through her faith, excellence, leadership and service. This is the highest honor we offer to a student. This year’s recipient is an amazing young woman who brings joy to all she does and maybe it’s because of her deep faith and her desire to share her time and talents with her community. She attends Mass regularly, is a choir member and liturgical minister. She served as both a retreat team member and Kairos Director. Her love of her faith extended beyond her SF experiences when she went on a pilgrimage to Lourdes, France to visit the shrine of our Blessed Mother. She has been a longtime Mercy General hospital volunteer and a talented member of our speech team. She has studied Classical piano for over 10 years. Her musical talents also extend to her beautiful voice. She has been a section leader and soloist for Choir and member of A Capella Blue Skirts. She has been a St. Francis Ambassador for three years and also holds down a part-time job at Chick Fil A! While interviewing juniors for leadership positions next year for CSL, Big Sisters, and Retreat Team, the Campus Ministry team noted that a number of girls commented on what an amazing retreat leader and role model this student is. She has lived the four pillars throughout her four years in high school, serving our school and her class without question. She is full of grace, kindness and humility which you can’t help but notice when you interact with her. She is the true embodiment of Pax et Bonum, exuding a beautiful smile and warm spirit. It is our great honor to present this year’s Pax et Bonum Award to Alexandra Retodo.