Paging through a scholarship book or searching for scholarships online, you will quickly see that millions of dollars of college aid are awarded each year. To receive some of this money, you need to complete the award organization’s scholarship form and students may also be required to write an essay, obtain a letter of recommendation, or otherwise qualify for the scholarship or grant. During the months of December-March, the Guidance Department sends a “Scholarship Bulletin” twice monthly through Family Connection, to both parents and students.This bulletin is designed to keep families notified of all scholarships that are available, what the criteria might be, and the deadline for submitting the application.
St. Francis High School is pleased to offer an extensive scholarship listing available via our online subscription at Naviance Family Connection.
If your daughter receives an award or scholarship from any college or outside organization (even those colleges that she will not attend), please make a copy of the award notification and have your daughter turn it in to her counselor. Please also enter this information in Naviance under Scholarships.