Speech Tournament Results


1. State Qualifier Tournament, Antelope HS

Feb 24-25

Speech Special Recognition Awards: A special congratulation goes to Alexandra Retodo ‘17 and Olivia Fu ‘18 who were selected for the Dream Team award. Coaches select the top seven speech students in the region to create a “dream team” of all-star performers. This is a distinguished honor, not only for Alexandra and Olivia, but for St. Francis, too!

Congratulations to the members of the Speech Team who competed on February 24 & 25 at Antelope HS for the Speech Qualifier, including:


  • Isabelle Bauman ‘17- Original Oratory and Original Prose and Poetry
  • Julia Cannon ‘17- Oratorical Interpretation
  • Natalie Chan ‘19- International Extemporaneous
  • Tessa Crouch ‘19- Original Oratory and Original Prose and Poetry
  • Yukta Gutta ‘19- Oratorical Interpretation
  • Aleena Khan ‘18- Oratorical Advocacy
  • Lauren Kim ‘20- Thematic Interpretation and Oratorical Interpretation
  • Mimi McMahon ‘18- Oratorical Interpretation
  • Carmen Ocazionez ‘18- DUO and Dramatic Interpretation
  • Alexandra Retodo ‘17- Impromptu and International Extemporaneous
  • Maya Solis ‘18-  Original Oratory and International Extemporaneous
  • Nicole Young ‘18- Thematic Interpretation



  • Isabelle Bauman ‘17- Original Prose and Poetry 5th
  • Tessa Crouch ‘19- Original Prose and Poetry 3rd
  • Aleena Khan ‘18- Oratorical Advocacy 6th
  • Lauren Kim ‘20- Thematic Interpretation 5th, Oratorical Interpretation 7th
  • Alexandra Retodo ‘17- International Extemporaneous 1st
  • Maya Solis ‘18-  Original Oratory 6th, and International Extemporaneous 6th
  • Nicole Young ‘18- Thematic Interpretation 3rd


Speech State Tournament:

Congratulations to Alexandra Retodo, Tessa Crouch, Isabelle Bauman, Lauren Kim, Maya Solis and Nicole Young who will be attending the State Tournament on April 28-30 at Arcadia High School in Southern California.


2. Speech Tournament, Antelope HS

Feb 4, 2017

Congratulations to the members of the Speech Team who competed on February 4 at Antelope HS, including:

  • Isabelle Bauman ‘17- Original Oratory 2nd
  • Nicole Young ‘18- Thematic Interpretation 3rd
  • Lauren Kim ‘20- Thematic Interpretation 5th, Oratorical Interpretation 7th
  • Alex Retodo ‘17- Impromptu 1st, International Extemporaneous 2nd
  • Olivia Fu ‘18- Impromptu 3rd, International Extemporaneous 1st
  • Julia Cannon ‘18- Oratorical Interpretation 4th
  • Natalie Hopkins ‘20- (novice) Impromptu 3rd,  (novice) Oratorical Interpretation 5th
  • Fiona Ross ‘19- (novice) Impromptu 7th
  • Patricia Sweeney ‘19- (novice) Impromptu 2nd, (novice) Oratorical Interpretation 1st
  • Moira McMahon ‘18- (novice) Impromptu 1st,  (novice) Oratorical Interpretation 2nd


3. Speech Qualifying Tournament, National Catholic Forensic League (NCFL), Rockland HS

Jan 21, 2017

Congratulations to the members of the Speech Team who competed on January 21 at Rockland HS, including:

  • Carmen Ocazionez ‘18- Duo 4th and Dramatic Interpretation
  • Nicole Young ‘18- Duo 4th
  • Yukta Gutta ‘19- Declamation 1st
  • Lauren Kim ‘20- Declamation

Attending the Grand National Tournament for the Catholic Forensic League in Kentucky this May is Yukta Gutta ‘19 for placing first in Declamation. Congratulations!


​4. Speech Invitational Tournaments (​This is new for speech this year.) Congratulations to the members of the Speech Team who competed in the following Invitational Speech Events. Invitationals are national or international tournaments that students attend additionally on their own outside of our regional events.

Olivia Fu travels with Jesuit’s debate team to the Invitationals in which she competes in Parliamentary Debate.

Yale University, September 17-18

  • Olivia Fu: Parliamentary Debate-3 wins, 2 losses (attended with Jesuit’s Debate team)

University of the Pacific, October 28-30

  • Olivia Fu: Parliamentary Debate-3 wins, 2 losses (attended with Jesuit’s Debate team). Open Extemporaneous Speaking: 5th place. Qualified for a bid to attend the Tournament of Champions (TOC) in Kentucky this April!

UC Berkeley, November 12-13

  • Olivia Fu: Parliamentary Debate-5 wins, 2 losses, Octofinalist (top 16 out of 54 teams)

Santa Clara University, Nov. 18 & 19

  • Olivia Fu: Parliamentary Debate- 5 wins, 2 losses (attended with Jesuit’s Debate team), Octofinalist (top 16 out of 105 teams). International Extemp 8th place
  • Yukta Gutta ‘19 Oratorical Interpretation
  • Carmen Ocazionez ‘18 Dramatic Interpretation and Oratorical Interpretation

Stanford University, Feb. 1      

  • Olivia Fu: Spar, 5th place (Jr. Varsity), International Extemp
  • Yukta Gutta: OI, 4th (Jr. Varsity)

University of Oregon. Feb. ​18-19​

  • Olivia Fu: Open Parli: 9th speaker, Open Extemp. 8th speaker, Parliamentary Debate: 2 wins- 3 losses (attended with Jesuit’s Debate team), International Extemp: ranked 1-3-2