Dr. Caron Houston
Board Member


Dr. Caron Houston is a concierge physician whose practice provides in home care for frail elders in the Sacramento community. She loves being a doctor and caring for people in need. Her career highlights are working for the Indian Health Service, teaming up to open premier senior health clinics in the Dallas-Fort Worth area, and directing a community health Center in New York City. Since moving to Sacramento, she has been on staff at Sutter since 2007.

Dr. Houston learned to know God and love her Catholic faith as a high school student at Saint Agnes Academy and parishioner at Saint Mary’s of the Purification in Houston, Texas. She attended Wellesley College and received her medical training at the University of Texas San Antonio and the University of New Mexico. She is a wife and mother of three and loves exercise and the performing arts. Her family is peacock proud of their SFHS 2012 graduate who is now a practicing attorney in New York City.