Donations for Emergency Kit Refill Supplies
All donations must be pre-registered on your hours tab in MVP for this event in order to receive credit. Please note date, items and cost on hours tab. If you have any questions, please contact or
Items may be dropped off in the SF main office July 31 - August 4, 8:00am to 2:30pm.
Due to various medical and allergy issues, only items on the list below will be accepted, all other items will be returned without earning service hour credit.
- Individual packets of animal crackers
- Individual packets of Goldfish
- Individual packets of Cheeze its
- Individual packets Gummy snacks
- Water (small 6-8oz size)
- Non latex gloves (small/medium sizes)
- Feminine hygiene products (varied sizes/pads/tampons)
- Gallon sized zip lock baggies
- Tissue (Klennex) non lotion