Troubie Success
Course ID: 021
This course may be taken in addition to other English courses but does not satisfy graduation requirements.
Troubie Success is a three-semester course designed to provide students with the necessary support and enrichment as they begin their time at St. Francis. It begins with a three-week summer course that prepares students for the academic year ahead. The summer session focuses on developing students’ abilities in three main areas: integration of technology (particularly iPads and Google Drive) into daily academic habits, development of study skills, and literacy (reading, writing, and critical thinking). During the school year, the course will continue to guide students in honing their abilities in these areas while also supporting them with the rest of their academic workload. On a daily basis, students can expect to work both independently and in groups, to write and reflect, to journal, to collaborate with others, to engage in class discussion, to read both as a class and individually, and to complete short assignments.
Prerequisite: None
Level: 9 (By recommendation from Admissions)
Credit: 10